Quantitative Methods Forum

February 27, 2012 @ 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Norm Endler Seminar Room (BSB 164)

ahmadSpeaker: Dr. Saunia Ahmad, York University
                 Department of Psychology

Title: The Effectiveness of Systemic-Constructivist Couple Therapy with South Asian Couples: Application of Multilevel Modeling (MLM) to Dyadic Data Analysis.
Abstract: The present research examined the effectiveness of a previously validated couple intervention, Systemic-Constructivist Couple Therapy (SCCT), with distressed South Asian couples. The primary objectives were to (1) measure change from pre to post therapy (i.e. outcomes) (2) and to identify mediators (i.e. process) of change. The sample included 14 heterosexual married couples that engaged in 7 sessions of SCCT. Data were collected from each partner in the dyad, at both the first and final session, and included self-report measures and observational coding of behaviour. The data were hierarchically structured with time (pre and post) nested within individuals, and individuals (husband and wife) nested within dyads. This presentation discusses how Multilevel Modeling (MLM) was applied to estimate fixed and random effects. Alternative ways in which the data could be modeled and estimated will also be discuss.