
The quantitative methods program is housed in the Behavioural Sciences Building (BSB) on York University's Keele campus. All quantitative methods faculty have offices on the second and third floors of BSB, as well as laboratory space on the second floor and in the basement that serves as graduate student offices. Our internal information technology system provides access to shared printers, file servers and network servers maintained by the University Information Technology unit or UIT.

labs_telIn addition to office space and individual computing facilities, the Department of Psychology also has facilities also include the Psychology Resource Center (PRC) and the Hebb Computer Laboratory. The PRC is supported by full-time staff and work-study students that are available to assist students and faculty in research in psychological assessment.  The Hebb lab supports and maintains computers for use in teaching and research in quantitative methods. The graduate and faculty lab is accessible 24/7 and supports an extensive list of statistical software.

Faculty and graduate students from the Quantitative Methods program also provide support to the Department of Psychology and the University as whole in statistical consulting through the Statistical Consulting Service, under the umbrella of the Institute of Social Research. The program facilties also include the Statistical Consulting Room (BSB 329), which provides computing facilities for statistical consulting as well as space to hold research meetings and advanced seminars in quantitative methods. The new office is also in the process of building a collection of journals and books related to psychology, quantitative methods and related fields.

Beyond these physical facilities at York University, several faculty and graduate students make use of the high performance computing provided by Compute Canada for research. Compute Canada integrates high-performance computers, data resources and tools, and academic research facilities around the country, mirroring a petaflop of computing capability and online and long term storage with rapid access and retrieval over Canada's high-performance networks.